Forehead Shortening Case 2



This beautiful woman felt she had too large of a forehead and nose, so she came to me seeking improvement to these areas. I performed a browlift, forehead shortening, hairline advancement, and septorhinoplasty.

Although the forehead shortening, hairline advancement and browlift are done together, in different people the emphasis is on different portions of the procedure. For this patient, who had a very large forehead which had been bothering her for years, making her forehead shorter and bringing forward her hairline was the most important element. By carefully making these improvements in addition to thoughtfully refining her nose, I was able to bring her beautiful face into better proportions and create optimal balance overall.

Small adjustments such as these can take an already beautiful woman and make her absolutely stunning. Never underestimate the power of balanced facial proportions.

*Individual Results May Vary